Boström-Einarsson & Rivera-Posada 2016, Coral Reefs
Biosphere Magazine no. 11, October 2015
Bonin et al AREES, 2016
This list may not always be up to date, see my Google scholar profile for current papers.
Keith, S. A., Hobbs, J.-P. A., Boström-Einarsson, L., Hartley, I. R., & Sanders, N. J. (2023). Rapid resource depletion on coral reefs disrupts competitor recognition processes among butterflyfish species. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / The Royal Society, 290(1990), 20222158. Final publication (open access)
Boström-Einarsson, L., Martínez-Baena, F., Diggles, B., Firby, L., & McLeod, I. M. (2022). An ecological assessment of Australia’s first community oyster gardens. Ecological Management & Restoration, 23(3), 244–251. Final publication (open access)
Fitzgerald, L. M., Harrison, H. B., Coker, D. J., Sáenz-Agudelo, P., Srinivasan, M., Majoris, J. E., Boström Einarsson, L., Pujol, B., Bennett-Smith, M., Thorrold, S. R., Planes, S., Jones, G. P., & Berumen, M. L. (2022). Rank change and growth within social hierarchies of the orange clownfish, Amphiprion percula. Marine Biology, 169(10), 128. Final publication (open access)
Razak, T. B., Boström-Einarsson, L., Alisa, C. A. G., Vida, R. T., & Lamont, T. A. C. (2022). Coral reef restoration in Indonesia: A review of policies and projects. Marine Policy, 137, 104940. Final publication (open access)
Smith, H. A., Boström-Einarsson, L., & Bourne, D. G. (2022). A stratified transect approach captures reef complexity with canopy-forming organisms. Coral Reefs . Final publication (open access)
Smith, H. A., Brown, D. A., Arjunwadkar, C. V., Fulton, S. E., Whitman, T., Hermanto, B., Mastroianni, E., Mattocks, N., Smith, A. K., Harrison, P. L., Boström-Einarsson, L., McLeod, I. M., & Bourne, D. G. (2022). Removal of macroalgae from degraded reefs enhances coral recruitment. Restoration Ecology. Final publication (open access).
Hein, M. Y., Vardi, T., Shaver, E. C., Pioch, S., Boström-Einarsson, L., Ahmed, M., Grimsditch, G., & McLeod, I. M. (2021). Perspectives on the Use of Coral Reef Restoration as a Strategy to Support and Improve Reef Ecosystem Services. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 299. Final publication (open access).
Boström-Einarsson, L., R. C. Babcock, E. Bayraktarov, D. Ceccarelli, N. Cook, S. C. A. Ferse, B. Hancock, P. Harrison, M. Hein, E. Shaver, A. Smith, D. Suggett, P. J. Stewart-Sinclair, T. Vardi, and I. M. McLeod. 2020. Coral restoration - A systematic review of current methods, successes, failures and future directions. PloS one 15:e0226631. Final publication (open access).
McLeod, I. M., G. Heller-Wagner, C. Gillies, L. Boström-Einarsson, and P. G. Dwyer. 2020. Hitching a ride on Hercules: fatal epibiosis drives ecosystem change from mud banks to oyster reefs. Ecology:e03032. Final publication.
McAfee, D., I. M. McLeod, L. Boström‐Einarsson, and C. L. Gillies. 2020. The value and opportunity of restoring Australia’s lost rock oyster reefs. Restoration Ecology. Final publication.
Ceccarelli, D. M., McLeod, I. M., Boström-Einarsson, L., Bryan, S. E., Chartrand, K. M., Emslie, M. J., Gibbs, M. T., Gonzalez Rivero, M., Hein, M. Y., Heyward, A., Kenyon, T. M., Lewis, B. M., Mattocks, N., Newlands, M., Schläppy, M.-L., Suggett, D. J., & Bay, L. K. (2020). Substrate stabilisation and small structures in coral restoration: State of knowledge, and considerations for management and implementation. PloS One, 15(10), e0240846.
McLeod, I. M., Heller-Wagner, G., Gillies, C., Bostrom-Einarsson, L., & Dwyer, P. G. (2020). Hercules builds an oyster reef. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 101(3).
McLeod, I. M., L. Boström-Einarsson, C. Creighton, B. D’Anastasi, B. Diggles, P. G. Dwyer, L. Firby, A. Le Port, A. Luongo, F. Martínez-Baena, S. McOrrie, G. Heller-Wagner, and C. L. Gillies. 2019. Habitat value of Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) reefs on soft sediments. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Suggett, David J, Camp, Emma F, Edmondson, John, Boström‐Einarsson, Lisa; Ramler, Vanessa, Lohr, Kathryn, Patterson, Joshua T. Optimizing return‐on‐effort for coral nursery and outplanting practices to aid restoration of the Great Barrier Reef. Restoration Ecology, 27(3), 683-693. Final publication.
Bayraktarov, Elisa; Stewart‐Sinclair, Phoebe J; Brisbane, Shantala; Boström‐Einarsson, Lisa; Saunders, Megan I; Lovelock, Catherine E; Possingham, Hugh P; Mumby, Peter J; Wilson, Kerrie A. 2019. Motivations, success and cost of coral reef restoration. Restoration Ecology. Final publication.
Boström-Einarsson, L., M. C. Bonin, P. L. Munday, and G. P. Jones. 2018. Loss of live coral compromises predator-avoidance behaviour in coral reef damselfish. Scientific Reports 8:7795. Download preprint. Final publication.
Ceccarelli, Daniela M; Loffler, Zoe; Bourne, David G; Al Moajil‐Cole, Grace S; Boström‐Einarsson, Lisa; Evans‐Illidge, Elizabeth; Fabricius, Katharina; Glasl, Bettina; Marshall, Paul; McLeod, Ian. 2018. Rehabilitation of coral reefs through removal of macroalgae: state of knowledge and considerations for management and implementation. Restoration Ecology.
Boström-Einarsson, Lisa; Ceccarelli, Daniela; Babcock, Russel C; Bayraktarov, Elisa; Cook, Nathan; Harrison, Peter; Hein, Margaux; Shaver, Elizabeth; Smith, Adam; Stewart-Sinclair, Pheobe J. 2018. Coral Restoration in a Changing World-a Global Synthesis of Methods and Techniques. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Ltd, Cairns, QLD, Australia [report]
Boström-Einarsson, Lisa, Dead enough? 2018. The thorny issue of culling crown-of-thorns starfish using vinegar injections. A reply to Dumas et al. The chaotic history of using vinegar injections to control Acanthaster spp. populations, Ocean & Coastal management.
Boström-Einarsson, L., M. C. Bonin, S. Moon, and S. Firth. 2018. Environmental impact monitoring of household vinegar-injections to cull crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster spp. Ocean & Coastal Management 155:83–89. Download preprint. Final publication.
Boström-Einarsson L., Rivera-Posada J., 2016. Controlling outbreaks of the coral-eating Crown-of-Thorns starfish using a single injection of common household vinegar. Coral Reefs 35:1, 223-228. Download preprint. Final publication.
Press release with >180 international articles/interviews/online content, including BBC, Guardian, ABC
8 page article in international science magazine Biosphere - "Enemy Within", Issue 11, October 2015
Featured in ABC's Catalyst (Australian science TV-show). View here.
Buck, A., N. Gardiner, and L. Boström-Einarsson. 2016. Citric Acid Injections: An Accessible and Efficient Method for Controlling Outbreaks of the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Acanthaster cf. solaris. Diversity 8:28. Download. Final publication.
Bonin MC., Boström-Einarsson L., Munday PL., Jones., GP., 2015. The importance of Competition in Reef Fishes, Annual Review of Systematics and Evolution 46, 169-190 (invited review). Final publication.
Online interactive figure of main findings. Accessed here
Boström-Einarsson, L.E., Bonin, M.C., Munday, P.L., Jones, G.P., 2014. Habitat degradation modifies the strength of interspecific competition in coral dwelling damselfishes. Ecology 95, 3056-67. Download preprint. Final publication.
Boström-Einarsson, L., Bonin, M.C., Munday, P.L., Jones, G.P., 2013. Strong intraspecific competition and habitat selectivity influence abundance of a coral-dwelling damselfish. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448, 85–92. Download preprint. Final publication